Running Message Display
The display can be fixed on a veroboard of suitable size and connected to ground of a common supply (of 6V to 9V) while the anodes of LEDs are to be connected to emitters of transistors T1 through T7 as shown in the circuit. The above circuit is very versatile and can be wired with a large number of LEDs to make an LED fashion jewellery of any design. With two circuits connected in a similar fashion, multiplexing of LEDs can be done to give a moving display effect
Digital Volume Control & 5 band graphic equalizer
This circuit could be used for replacing your manual volume control in a stereo amplifier. In this circuit, push-to-on switch S1 controls the forward (volume increase) operation of both channels while a similar switch S2 controls reverse (volume decrease) operation of both channels.
A readily available IC from Dallas semiconductor, DS1669 is used here.
- Replaces mechanical variable resistors
- Electronic interface provided for digital as well as manual control
- Wide differential input voltage range between 4.5 and 8 volts
- Wiper position is maintained in the absence of power
- Low-cost alternative to mechanical controls
- Applications include volume, tone, contrast,brightness, and dimmer control
The circuit is extremely simple and compact requiring very few external components.
The power supply can vary from 4.5V to 8V.
5 band graphic equalizer using a single IC/chip :
This circuit uses a single chip, IC BA3812L for realizing a 5 band graphic equalizer for use in hi-fi audio systems.The BA3812L is a five-point graphic equalizer that has all the required functions integrated onto one IC. The IC is comprised of the five tone control circuits and input and output buffer amplifiers. The BA3812L features low distortion, low noise, and wide dynamic range, and is an ideal choice for Hi-Fi stereo applica-tions. It also has a wide operating voltage range (3.5V to 16V), which means that it can be adapted for use with most types of stereo equipment.
The five center frequencies are independently set using external capacitors, and as the output stage buffer amplifier and tone control section are independent circuits, fine control over a part of the frequency bandwidth is possible, By using two BA3812Ls, it is possible to construct a 10-point graphic equalizer. The amount of boost and cut can be set by external components.
The recommended power supply is 8V, but the circuit should work for a supply of 9V also. The maximum voltage limit is 16V.
The circuit given in the diagram operates around the five frequency bands:
- 100Hz
- 300Hz
- 1kHz
- 3kHz
- 10kHz