Using this circuit, you can change the speed of the fan from your couch or bed. Infrared receiver module TSOP1738 is used to receive the infrared signal transmitted by remote control.
The circuit is powered by regulated 9V. The AC mains is stepped down by transformer X1 to deliver a secondary output of 12V-0-12V. The transformer output is rectified by full-wave
rectifier comprising diodes D1 and D2, filtered by capacitor C9 and regulated by 7809 regulator to provide 9V regulated output.
Any button on the remote can be used for controlling the speed of the fan. Pulses from the IR receiver module are applied as a trigger signal to timer NE555 (IC1) via LED1 and resis-tor R4. IC1 is wired as a monostable multivibrator to delay the clock given to decade counter-cum-driver IC CD4017 (IC2).
Out of the ten outputs of decade counter IC2 (Q0 through Q9), only five (Q0 through Q4) are used to control the fan. Q5 output is not used, while Q6 output is used to reset the counter.
Another NE555 timer (IC3) is also wired as a monostable multivibrator. Combination of one of the resistors R5 through R9 and capacitor C5 controls the pulse width. The output from IC CD4017 (IC2) is applied to resistors R5 through R9. If Q0 is high capacitor C5 is charged through resistor R5, if Q1 is high capacitor C5 is charged through resistor R6, and so on.
Optocoupler MCT2E (IC5) is wired as a zero-crossing detector that supplies trigger pulses to monostablemultivibrator IC3 during zero crossing. Opto-isolator MOC3021 (IC4) drives triac BT136. Resistor R13 (47- ohm) and capacitor C7 (0.01μF) combination is used as snubber network for triac1 (BT136). As the width of the pulse decreases, firing angle of the triac increases and speed of the fan also increases. Thus the speed of the fan increases when we press any button on the remote control.
Assemble the circuit on a generalpurpose PCB and house it in a small case such that the infrared sensor can easily receive the signal from the remote transmitter.

Running Message Display

Light emitting diodes are advan- tageous due to their smaller size, low current consumption and catchy colours they emit. Here is a running message display circuit wherein the letters formed by LED arrangement light up progressively. Once all the letters of the message have been lit up, the circuit gets reset. The circuit is built around Johnson decade counter CD4017BC (IC2). One of the IC CD4017BE’s features is its provision of ten fully decoded outputs, making the IC ideal for use in a whole range of sequencing operations. In the circuit only one of the outputs remains high and the other outputs switch to high state successively on the arrival of each clock pulse. The timer NE555 (IC1) is wired as a 1Hz astable multivibrator which clocks the IC2 for sequencing operations. On reset, output pin 3 goes high and drives transistor T7 to ‘on’ state. The output of transistor T7 is connected to letter ‘W’ of the LED word array (all LEDs of letter array are connected in parallel) and thus letter ‘W’ is illuminated. On arrival of first clock pulse, pin 3 goes low and pin 2 goes high. Transistor T6 conducts and letter ‘E’ lights up. The preceding letter ‘W’ also remains lighted because of forward biasing of transistor T7 via diode D21. In a similar fashion, on the arrival of each successive pulse, the other letters of the display are also illuminated and finally the complete word becomes visible. On the following clock pulse, pin 6 goes to logic 1 and resets the circuit, and the sequence repeats itself. The frequency of sequencing operations is controlled with the help of potmeter VR1.
The display can be fixed on a veroboard of suitable size and connected to ground of a common supply (of 6V to 9V) while the anodes of LEDs are to be connected to emitters of transistors T1 through T7 as shown in the circuit. The above circuit is very versatile and can be wired with a large number of LEDs to make an LED fashion jewellery of any design. With two circuits connected in a similar fashion, multiplexing of LEDs can be done to give a moving display effect

Digital Volume Control & 5 band graphic equalizer

Digital Volume Control

This circuit could be used for replacing your manual volume control in a stereo amplifier. In this circuit, push-to-on switch S1 controls the forward (volume increase) operation of both channels while a similar switch S2 controls reverse (volume decrease) operation of both channels.

A readily available IC from Dallas semiconductor, DS1669 is used here.


  • Replaces mechanical variable resistors
  • Electronic interface provided for digital as well as manual control
  • Wide differential input voltage range between 4.5 and 8 volts
  • Wiper position is maintained in the absence of power
  • Low-cost alternative to mechanical controls
  • Applications include volume, tone, contrast,brightness, and dimmer control

The circuit is extremely simple and compact requiring very few external components.

The power supply can vary from 4.5V to 8V.

5 band graphic equalizer using a single IC/chip :

This circuit uses a single chip, IC BA3812L for realizing a 5 band graphic equalizer for use in hi-fi audio systems.The BA3812L is a five-point graphic equalizer that has all the required functions integrated onto one IC. The IC is comprised of the five tone control circuits and input and output buffer amplifiers. The BA3812L features low distortion, low noise, and wide dynamic range, and is an ideal choice for Hi-Fi stereo applica-tions. It also has a wide operating voltage range (3.5V to 16V), which means that it can be adapted for use with most types of stereo equipment.

The five center frequencies are independently set using external capacitors, and as the output stage buffer amplifier and tone control section are independent circuits, fine control over a part of the frequency bandwidth is possible, By using two BA3812Ls, it is possible to construct a 10-point graphic equalizer. The amount of boost and cut can be set by external components.

The recommended power supply is 8V, but the circuit should work for a supply of 9V also. The maximum voltage limit is 16V.

The circuit given in the diagram operates around the five frequency bands:

  • 100Hz
  • 300Hz
  • 1kHz
  • 3kHz
  • 10kHz


During poor visibility, i.e., whenthere is fog, or at dawn or dusk, or when your vehicle gets stalled on a lonely stretch of a highway, this flashing light will provide safety and attract the attention of people to help you out. It uses highbrightness yellow LEDs.
The circuit uses a dual binary counter CD4520, quadruple 2-inputNAND schmitt trigger CD4093, 8-stage shift-and-store bus register CD4094 and some descrete components.
An oscillator is built around gate A, whose frequency can be varied through preset VR1 when required. The output of the oscillator is fed to IC1 and IC3. When the circuit is switched on, the oscillator starts oscillating, the counter starts counting through IC1 and the data is shifted on positive-going clock through IC3. As a result, the four groups of LEDs flash one by one.
All the LEDs will then glow for some time and switch off for some time, and the cycle will repeat. Input pins 12 and 13 of the unused gate D must be tied to ground and pin 11 left open. Preset VR1 should be of cermet type and used to change the flashing rate of each group of LEDs.
The circuit works off regulated 12V. Assemble it on a general-purpose PCB and house suitably.

Staircase Light With Auto Switch-Off

We are all familiar with the electrical wiring arrangement that connects an electrical
bulb with two switches: one at the bottom of a staircase and the other at the top. Wiring is done such that either of the two switches can be used to switch the bulb on or off. In such a wiring arrangement, while climbing up the staircase which is in dark, the switch located at the bottom of the staircase is used to switch on the light. After you have climbed the staircase, you use the switch located there to switch off the light.
The circuit presented here is an electronic-cum-electrical arrangement to get a similar facility as provided by the hard-wired electrical system, but you need to operate the switch only once. Whereas in the hard-wired arrangement if you forget to switch off the light once you have traversed the staircase, light would remain ‘on,’ wasting energy.
In this circuit also, we have two micro-switches—one located at the top and the other located at the bottom of the staircase—that can be pushed and released easily during climb-up from the bottom of the staircase or climbdown from the top of the staircase. With every push and release of either of the two switches, bulb L1 lights up for a preset time period of, say, 40 seconds, which is considered adequate for climbing up or going down the staircase. The bulb goes off automatically after the set 40 seconds. You can change this ‘on’ time by changing the values of resistor R7 and/or capacitor C4 depending upon your requirement.
Switches S1 and S2 are the two micro-switches, which provide low inputs to the respective de-bouncing circuits. Each de-bouncing circuit is built around two NAND gates connected back to back. The de-bouncing circuits ensure a clean, bounce-free pulse at the output every time the micro-switch is pressed and released. The outputs from the two de-bouncing circuits are ORed using diodes D1 and D2 (1N4001). So every time you press and release either
of the micro-switches, you get a positive- going pulse at the junction of the cathodes of diodes D1 and D2.
These pulses are used to trigger the monostable circuit built around timer IC2. On the trailing edge of the pulse, the output of the monostable goes high for a time period of 40 seconds.
This drives relay-driver transistor 2N2222 (T1) wired as a switch. Relay RL1 gets energised and closes N/O contacts of the relay, wired in series with the mains and the bulb (L1). Bulb L1 switches off when the relay gets de-energised after 40-second pulse period. Free-wheeling diode D4 (1N4001) protects transistor T1 against transients during relay switch-off operation.
The circuit operates off a 9V battery, which gets connected to the circuit through ‘on’/‘off’ switch S3. You can also use regulated 9V power supply. Assemble the circuit on a generalpurpose PCB and house in a small box. Connect micro-switches S1 and S2 near top and bottom of the staircase through flexible wires and bulb in the middle of the staircase.